Raiders Tailgates

Raiders Tailgates

Oakland Raiders NFL Team

The Oakland Raiders have the best tailgates in all of sports. Never will you see fights, people getting wasted from alcohol and the aroma of marijuana coming from a collective parking lot anywhere else than in Oakland. Each tailgating driver parks side by side, next to each leaving no caps, or spaces upon entering the gates. Slowly, as people begin to unpack their cars, the chants of R-A-I-D-E-R-S starts to fill the air getting louder and louder.

Street vendors walk through the filled parking lots trying to hustle and sell you Oakland Raider merchandise such as beanies, hats, shirts for $10. Soon after, the sounds of Mexican Banda music, begin to blare and sets the tone for a the day.

In the Bay Area, we have a rapid transit public transportation system called BART that serves the San Francisco Bay. You can take a certain train from one point to the Oakland Coliseum. Once you arrive at that stop, street vendors are waiting for customers to buy one dollar beers, Jell-O shots or something they can hustle to make a profit.

Don’t be surprised if you end up having a very good time. Welcome to Oakland.



Papas and Beer

Papas and Beer