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Mt. Bonnell in Austin

Best Trails near Austin, TX

Each weekend I get to explore Austin a little bit more since my move from the Bay Area. My co-worker told me about Mt. Bonnell so I had to check it out. It’s located in North West Austin about 15 minutes from downtown. Google Maps will lead you straight there.

You’ll drive up a steep hill which is full of twists and turns before noticing several parked cars on your left-hand side. That’s it!

There’s only one entrance, so just follow the people in front of you. Once you reach the top, this hike only runs for about 10 minutes or so. Take a peek over the ledge and you’ll be in for a treat. The Colorado River is just down below, and it looks beautiful. It runs throughout the city and it’s awesome.

Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaghey are rumored to have homes near this area. I wouldn’t doubt it because mansions like these are for the wealthy. One day, one day.